In 2014, the summer school was conducted at the Fakultas Ilmu Budaya (Faculty of Cultural Knowledge) of Universitas Gadjah Mada.
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UGM local organiser Widaratih Kamiso
and HU lecturer Dr. Olivia Killias
Photo (c) Lye Tuck-Po
The five days of classes covered the following topics:
- "Memory and the national canon of Indonesian historiography" by Prof. Dr. Bambang Purwanto (UGM); deconstruction of nationalist historiography.
- "Memory, memory making and heritage: Some fundamental considerations" by Prof. Dr. Vincent Houben (HU); introduction to the central concepts and theories important to memory studies.
- “Legitimacy, lost heroes, and memory,” Dr. Soon Chuan Yean (USM): emerging politics in the Philippines; memory repackaged; memory ruptured; memory sustained.
- “Other ways of remembering” by Dr. Lye Tuck-Po (USM): bodily practices; landscape as a source of meaning, social memory based on experience; differences with inscribed memory
- “The battle goes on: debates on (negative) memory in post-authoritarian and post-colonial societies” by Joszef Berta (HU guest lecturer): transnational genealogies of negative memory; Indonesia and Germany compared; roles of victims and rehabilitation
- “Memory, monument and national hero” by Dr. Sri Margana (UGM): memory contestation; construction and deconstruction of monuments; competition between government, local populations, people from Bali
- “The resonance of silence: Remembering Indië in the post-colonial Netherlands” by Dr. Olivia Killias (HU): remembrance of the Indies in Holland; collective amnesia; absence of a postcolonial debate; decolonisation by means of the culturalisation of memory; subaltern memories; diversity in memory of communities
- “The uses and abuses of memory” by Dr. Budiawan (UGM): comparison between Cambodia, Singapore, and Indonesia; empty signifiers; move beyond discourse of innocence and victimhood
- “Memory, violence and emotions” by Rosa Castillo (HU): subaltern formats of memory making; social memory of violence; role of emotions; context in memory making
- "Philosphical and practical considerations in field research", by Aleah Connley (HU), Rosa Castillo (HU), and Uji Nugroho (UGM).
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Uji Nugroho (UGM) lecturing on methodology Photo (c) Lye Tuck-Po |
(extracted from the summer school Final Report and Prof. Houben's summing-up notes)
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